Thursday, December 5, 2019

Recruiting Tools for Companies

Effective recruitment is critical to business because it determines the quality of talent that comes on deck. Employees are among the most important elements of a business. When on boarding talent, you want to make sure that you are hiring team members that are knowledgeable and ones you can count on to accomplish tasks while you take care of other important business matters. Recruiting tools are beneficial as they help simplify and create a fool-proof recruitment process that help you find the right people with the right skills that your company needs to get the job done.

Good recruiting tools not only allow you to find good talent, but also save you time, money, and resources when it comes to replacing ineffective employees and training new people to do the same tasks. Any employer aims to find good quality employees—this is one of the main keys to business success. Establishing and polishing job descriptions and advertising them in the right places, however, are only half the work. Business managers and administrators also need the right recruiting tools to help eliminate candidates who may not be the right fit for the job, early on in the process.

When you use recruiting tools, especially for technical tasks like programming and coding, you save training time and cost as you get to properly select candidates who are skilled and knowledgeable, and are ultimately qualified to do the tasks at hand without requiring basic training. While providing continuous training is important to help keep your existing employees updated with the latest trends in programming and technology in general, your on-boarding process should take into account basic skills and other such qualifications so you won’t have to train talents from scratch, but benefit from their existing knowledge and expertise, all the while gearing them up for the changing needs of the field.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Online Programming Challenges: How to Assess and What to Do?

Many employers are seeking skilled programmers who can help their business succeed and for their brand to be widely recognized. That said, competition in the job market can be tough for programmers. If you want to get hired, you need to be able to prove to a prospective employer that you are the best candidate for a position in their company. There are many ways to do this, such as becoming certified for a particular programming method or software, or by proving your abilities and skills through online programming challenges.

Discerning employers are already looking into programming challenges online to identify the best candidates to hire. There, you can do a programming skills test, which can improve your programming prowess. If you are new to programming, you are still welcome to take the online skills test to assess how much you know and which areas you should improve on. One of the leading coding challenges online is a fun and educational test that will teach you the concepts of modern programming languages in a simple environment that can make you feel like you are merely playing a game.

With online programming challenges, you can start from the basics and continue to advance to more challenging skills tests, while learning as you continue to play. Rest assured, the programming skills test will teach the techniques that can be applied to other programming languages. Some of the things you can learn are program structure, object and methods, parameterization, decomposition, loops, conditionals, debugging, optimization, and recursion. All these are delivered through a simplified platform, which you can learn to use in a few minutes.

Do not forget to challenge yourself with coding challenges online, even if you think that you are already an expert or at an advanced level. Whether you are a top software specialist or a novice in software programming, you will find the programming challenges to be helpful in assessing your strengths and weaknesses in what you do, so you can continue succeeding in your career.

How Programming Assessment Test Helps You in Hiring?

Technical recruitment is challenging, even for someone who has been in the industry for many years. If you are looking for programmers to join your team, you may want to use quantitative assessment tools that are uniquely designed to test skills needed for this technical work. You may be wondering: How exactly will these recruitment techniques and quantitative assessment tools help you hire the perfect person?

A different yet more effective approach to hiring candidates

Two of the essential factors that technical recruiters consider when hiring programmers are problem-solving capabilities and the ability to learn new things. These skills, however, cannot be assessed by simply looking at the resume or application, which simply typically only state the applicant’s experience, credentials, and programming languages. This approach is often not enough to properly determine if the candidate truly has the right skills.

For this reason, programming assessment tools were created. These tools provide various programming assessment tests and coding assessment tests to check the candidate's abilities. That way, recruiters can evaluate based on measurable results and evidence-based information. This will further ensure that they are transparently assessing without bias.

A simplified technical assessment process

The good thing about this new approach is that it simplifies the assessment process. It has all the necessary programming language and concepts, yet it can be administered and learned by the candidate in minutes. Recruiters can test the candidates' abilities to learn a new language and navigate through various programming problems quickly in as fast as 30 minutes. Consequently, they can get the results of quantitative assessment and see if the candidate matches the criteria immediately.

Verify a candidate's claims

Many candidates are lying on their resumes to look more experienced and talented than they actually are. In fact, one study found out that 85% of employers have caught job candidates lying on their resumes. With the help of programming assessment tools, it's easier to spot real talent.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Choose Versatile Online Programming Challenges to Hone Your Programming Skills

If you want to take your career in programming seriously, it is crucial to look for ways to enhance your knowledge and improve your skills to make sure that you don’t miss out on the latest trends in the fast changing and ever-evolving field of coding. As the modern world becomes more technologically linked, the demand for technical skills is higher than ever. The dynamic nature of the programming field also means that your success as a programming specialist largely depends upon your ability to adapt and learn. Finding ways to continuously improve your skills is crucial, hence the prominence of online programming challenges that many coders, beginners and veterans alike, use in order to improve their skills base.

When looking for the right online programming challenges to use, it is important to know what your learning style is like so you can get the most out of the program. People learn differently. While some may learn best by reading books, others prefer hands-on experiences. Others still need a structured program, which formal courses provide. The great news for those who want to learn programming and enhance their skills is that there are plenty of low-cost and sometimes even free learning resources that are readily available online, so you are only a few clicks away from a good learning program.

When in the middle of particularly difficult online programming challenges, walking away from the problem for at least a few minutes or getting a fresh set of eyes to look at the portion you are stuck at is a good way to overcome the task and create the right solution. Other online programming challenges allow you to look under the hood of programs and apps so you can familiarize yourself with common coding patterns and learn how to navigate extensive code bases, understand code, and identify design patterns effectively.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

5 Tips for Learning to Excel in Coding Challenges

The job market for software development is as competitive as it is rewarding. However, there are many barriers to entry for those who want to break into software development. Besides going through training and certifications for required technical skills, coding challenges during technical interviews also make entry into the software development job market difficult for many hopefuls.

Coding challenges are a crucial part of software development recruitment, especially for positions that require code writing. When applying for vacancies that require software writing, it is only natural for interviewers to make you write software, hence the widespread use of online coding challenges, which help recruiters narrow down their pool of candidates to absolutely qualified and skilled talents. When you are up for a programming assessment test, here are tips to help you excel:

1.      Read the instructions carefully. A typical coding challenge comes with written instructions. Take your time to read through what is being asked of you to make sure that you understand what the challenge entails. It would be a shame and a huge waste of an opportunity to write a flawless code that solves the wrong challenge or misses out on a key requirement only because you failed to read the instructions through.
2.      Plan out your actions. Sketch a plan before jumping in with both feet to tackle a coding challenge. The best way to fail at online coding challenges is to make stuff up as you go. If you plan out your coding strategy, it will be easier to create a code that works and not one that will back you into a corner or a dead end.
3.      Make a list of technical decisions you will likely have to make. This will help you look at the development from a wider, big-picture perspective, hence enabling you to make critical coding decisions faster.
4.      Opt for test-driven development. Your unit testing skills can very well make or break your chances at progressing into higher levels of the recruiting process. While failure to write test may not necessarily disqualify you from the running toward a particular position, including testing in your coding strategy is going to be a huge advantage as reviewers favor a holistic approach to coding.
5.      Make your code readable. Remember that your solution is going to be read and assessed by a software developer. It is for this reason that you should make your code legible and easy to follow

Most coding challenges include stages including parsing and processing input and presenting output—critical code writing stages that you should prepare for if you want to ace a coding challenge.

Select Best Employees for Your Company with Candidate Assessment Tools

Discerning employers do not just choose candidates based on their resumes. They use employee assessment tools that can help them determine a candidate’s capability to contribute to the organization’s long-term success. The right candidate assessment tools will help you pick the best individuals who can be committed, diligent members of your team. They can also assess the work ethic, attitudes, and behaviors of the candidate to determine how well they can work efficiently by themselves and in a team. Here are some tips to help you pick the best employees using the right recruiting tools:

  • Make sure it is specific to your industry – Some employee assessment tools are generalized, claiming that they are flexible and can be used in any industry. However, certain tasks, like programming, requires specific expertise and a unique form of assessment. In that case, you may need to find a specially developed platform to assess the knowledge, skills, efficiency, and creativity programmers.

  • Find out what it can do - Good candidate assessment tools are designed for recruiters looking for talented programmers. The assessment is delivered like a game, making it a fun and entertaining process to candidates. The test is language independent and can be finished in under an hour. Rest assured, recruiters will be provided with a qualitative assessment on every candidate who can prove their skills and knowledge as programmers.

  • Pick a solution that supports technical recruiting – There are many challenges to technical recruiting, as it requires you to find the best employees, evaluate their abilities, and make sure that they will accept your job offer when you find that they are worthy of a position. Moreover, you need to make sure that they will stay with you. Effective recruiting tools can help streamline the technical recruiting process, so you can be more effective and efficient in finding the best candidates.

Make sure it attracts the best talent – Some developers of employee assessment tools run technical competitions regularly, so you can find the best candidates, regardless of them being on the job market or not. Participants could be engineers who want to challenge their abilities, and you could engage them effectively when you see their performance.

Outstanding Benefits of Candidate Assessment Tools

The hiring process offers an opportunity for employers to get to know their potential employees well by gathering as much critical and relevant information on them as possible. However, traditional getting-to-know-you methods for candidates, such as interviews and resumes are often insufficient and do not yield the best insight that an employer might require in order to ensure a candidate’s suitability for the job at hand. This is exactly why candidate assessment tools were invented and developed. Candidate assessment during the hiring process is typically done using well-developed and validated tests that ensure objectivity and reliability in gathering job-critical information on candidates. These pre-employment tests inject objectivity into the recruitment and hiring process by making a way to gather concrete results that are standardized and puts candidates on a level field. What these tests reveal can help employers more informed and defensible hiring decisions.

All too many companies waste a great deal of time, energy, and resources by making hiring mistakes. It is through thorough candidate assessment and pre-employment tests that you can improve your hiring process and avoid these costly screw-ups. Getting quality candidates from the get go is key to hiring quality employees that perform and avoiding bad hires. Candidate assessment tools and tests will effectively reduce the amount of time you waste reading thousands of resumes as well as conducting interviews as you get to sift through applicants and pare them down to the best candidates that will actually provide you what you need. These tests offer objective and reliable data that help employers predict a candidate’s job performance and at the same time increase the quality of your workforce and reduce bad hires. All in all, incorporating these kinds of assessments into your hiring process will lead to significant bottom line improvements starting with enhanced workforce productivity and reduced turnover rates.