Monday, December 7, 2020

Top 3 Benefits Of Using Quantitative Assessment Tools!

 When screening potential candidates, hiring managers often use two types of evaluations: qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative assessment focuses on the individual's workplace preferences. The tools for this assessment are often informal but are just as useful. However, for hiring managers that work in highly technical fields, quantitative assessment tools are vital tools. Why? Here are the top three benefits of using quantitative assessment tools:

Saves time

Recruiters often receive hundreds of applicants for a single opening. Going through the resumes alone will take up hours, not counting the interview proper. By using quantitative assessment tools, hiring managers can "pre-screen" applicants and only move forward with those that pass the evaluations. For example, a recruiter looking to hire a computer programmer will need an online coding test. Those who pass the test can be a computer programmer. Additional requirements can then be determined in an in-person interview.


Bad hires can, directly and indirectly, cost a company thousands of dollars because of unproductivity, low quality work, and replacement search. That is why it is imperative for hiring managers to bring in top-tier talent that fits the requirements. In the long run, hiring the right candidate by using quantitative assessment tools can save the company a lot of money.

Concrete results

According to studies, 78% of applicant resumes contain misleading information, while 47% surprisingly contains false or made-up details. For a hiring manager, this can be particularly tricky because verification takes time, and most recruiters go by their instinct when it comes to hiring. Quantitative assessment tools offer concrete results for a recruiter to determine whether an applicant has what it takes. So, no more guesswork at all but just skills that are tested before recruiting.

All in all, using quantitative assessment tools can help your company hire the right candidates. Make sure to use it in your hiring process to prevent bad hires.


Friday, November 6, 2020

Selecting the Right Candidate Assessment Tool to Hire Without Hassles

 Candidate assessment tools are important in the entire recruitment process. With the right tool, you can streamline the process while ensuring that you are hiring the best person for the job. The question is, how do you select the suitable candidate assessment tool? Here are some tips to keep in mind. 

1. Choose the assessment tool made, especially for business. 

Assessment tools are widely available because they are used in the business world and various industries like the education sector. Take note that some assessment tools for business are made for learning, coaching, and diagnostics. If you are hiring, make sure that the tool or solutions you choose are specifically made for business assessments or recruitment because they are more likely to contain the features you need to evaluate candidates effectively. 

2. Look for profession-specific assessment tools.  

The right candidate assessment tool will measure the skills and knowledge that the position requires. So, it will be a good choice to use a designed tool for a specific profession or industry. This is especially true when recruiting for technical positions. For example, if you need an IT person in your company or a software engineer, you should use assessment tools to test programming skills and technical know-how.  

3. Make sure that it is easy to administer.  

You don't want to spend your time administering assessment exams to candidates. To reduce your administrative tasks, look for an online candidate assessment tool. It is so much easier to administer with flexibility and handle a large volume of applicants simultaneously. Plus, it also gives you the results faster. There is no need to manually check the exams because the computer will do it for you. Some assessment tools also provide quantitative assessment for each candidate so you can evaluate their performance better. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Quantitative Assessment in Education - Know Why It’s So Important

Much of what people know about quantitative assessment in education is that it is summative, which means that it is used to evaluate students' accomplishments and assign numbers or give marks on their work. But it's more than that. Schools have long been using quantitative assessment in education to accomplish different purposes. Here's everything you need to know about the importance of this type of assessment in education. 
Provide diagnostic feedback 
Right at the beginning of a school term, quantitative assessment tools are already used by teachers. They provide diagnostic exams to check the students' current knowledge base before the start of the lessons. This will help teachers think of effective ways to instruct and inform learners about their current standing and prepare them for the topics to be covered. 
Evaluate the quality of instruction
The exam scores of students can tell many things apart from their skills or knowledge. These scores also speak volumes about the performance of the teacher and the quality of the instruction. If most of the students in the classroom have failing marks, then the teacher or the instruction method may not be effective. It's safe to assume that the lessons are too hard for the students—which means that the learning objectives are not met. The teacher should make adjustments on how he or she will efficiently teach the lessons.
Make informed decisions 
Quantitative assessment in education is like a quality assurance tool that guides teachers toward attaining better standards. How? For example, teachers use short quizzes and activities as formative assessments or for developmental purposes. The scores will help them identify learning gaps, hindrances, and progress. They can also tell if the class is ready to move forward to another topic or if they need to repeat the instruction to better understand the concepts. 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Online Coding Challenges – Analyze Your Employees’ Skills

Routine evaluation is essential to software companies to ensure that their employers remain competent and up-to-date in their knowledge and capabilities. However, employees may dread the time when they have to take exams to evaluate their skills. In that case, you may want to introduce a fun and quick way to analyze their skills. Online coding challenges are a great choice, as they eliminate the need for you to make your tests. The best ones are developed by experienced and reputable companies that specialize in developing recruitment and educational software.

High-quality online coding challenges are algorithm building games with puzzles, which increase in difficulty as you go along. They are versatile for employee assessment, particularly for software programming skills. Some platforms are also helpful recruitment tools you can use to evaluate candidates if you are looking to hire more software engineers or want to make sure that certain employees deserve to be promoted to a higher position in your organization. That said, the online coding challenge could improve your ability to pick the right candidates for a certain position or project.

Through online coding challenges, you can identify the problem-solving skills of your employees. As they solve progressively complex problems live, their rational and analytical thinking capabilities intensify and become tested. This is also an excellent way to test an employee’s speed at debugging, finding problems, and correcting issues. Problem-solving is also an important skill outside programming, as it is applicable in making day-to-day decisions that could impact one’s life.

Online coding challenges are also a great way to exercise the mind and practice skills. Solving problems in a fast-paced setting could help boost brain power and challenge thinking skills. It may also train your employees to code fast and meet strict deadlines. Some challenges can help you identify the algorithm and language syntax knowledge of every employee to determine their suitability for a particular job or project.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Candidate Assessment Tools - Best Tool to Calculate One's Caliber and Knowledge

The fast-growing number of candidate assessment tools available is proof that traditional ways of hiring talent is no longer effective or perhaps, no longer enough. New candidate assessment tools make room for a faster, easier, and even more enjoyable hiring process. They have helped companies and recruiters target candidates who have the right skills, experience, expertise, and attitude for the positions they offer.Here are some of the benefits of newer and better online candidate assessment tools.

Prevents bias 

Sifting and screening CV the traditional way is not the most effective and fairest methods of finding the best candidates. Recruiters cannot help but have some degree of bias—perhaps looking at the school where the candidate graduated from, or even the candidate’s appearance. This is what new candidate assessment tools want to prevent. Platforms are created to test a candidate’s real-world skills and match them to the skills required by the company. Some platforms also have the capability to randomize and anonymize applications. Some can organize them into batches and perform thorough comparative assessments.

Verifies the truthfulness of candidate's claims

Many applicants do lie on their resumes so that they look more knowledgeable and experienced than they really are. Therefore, one of the most important parts of the recruiter's job is to verify the credentials of all candidates. Aside from calling previous companies and character references, you can ask applicants to undergo skills assessment tests to check if they are being truthful about the information on their impressive-looking CVs. Online skill assessments tests offer the easiest way to administer these exams.

Reduce administration burden 

The great thing about online assessment tools is that they minimize the workload of recruiters and help people in the human resources department become more productive and efficient in organizing and running tests. They ultimately make the entire hiring process faster and more effective.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Online Coding Challenges – Challenge Your Knowledge and Upgrade Your Skills!

As a programmer, you have to face tough competition to get noticed by prospective employers. Standing out may be challenging, but you can make it easier by upgrading your coding knowledge and skills. That said, there are online coding challenges to build up your programming know-how and keep your mind flexible. These challenges are like tests or puzzles that could boost your diligence, concentration, and patience, which are also essential skills employers and recruiters are looking for when going through qualified applicants.

Online coding challenges are proven to help improve your creativity in breaking down problems into unique steps to solve them in the most efficient and correct means possible. They are language-dependent, so you can easily build on your knowledge and skills related to a particular programming language you are trying to master. That said, they can be helpful in boosting your proficiency whether you are new to programming or have been doing it for years.

As you become proficient in completing online coding challenges, you could be on your way to a successful career. Some employers and recruiters also use those online platforms to find one-of-a-kind talent like you. They are looking for developers who are capable of understanding and applying front-end languages, such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, as well as others like Ruby on Rails and Ruby.

Online coding challenges could jumpstart your career as a programmer. You can use them to upgrade your skills for freelance work too, in case you intend to go solo. Challenging your programming knowledge is essential in keeping up with the latest coding practices and techniques. That way, you can remain relevant and show prospective employers that you are what they need for a particular project they are working on. Challenges may also introduce you to other programmers in the coding community and make you qualified to join coding contests where prizes could be at stake.


Saturday, April 4, 2020

How Online Programming Test Helps Secure A Good Job

Taking an online programming test from time to time could help boost your skills and capabilities. With better programming skills, you have a better chance at getting the job you want and be on your way to a successful career as a programmer or software engineer. Online programming tests typically serve as a means to measure one’s aptitude for coding, but recruiters and software development companies alike may be looking into those platforms to find worthy candidates like you. That said, taking a programming test online could be your chance to get noticed by top employers.

Some of the leading online programming test platforms are not just about helping you learn while having fun playing coding games. They work closely with recruiters and companies looking to employ skilled software programmers. Service providers offer a candidate assessment, which will test your programming abilities and your knack for solving problems, learning speed, and ability to apply various programming techniques to create efficient, bug-free programs. Specially designed assessment tests are language dependent and can be completed in about 30 minutes.

Recruiters rely on the online programming test as quantitative assessment for qualified candidates. The test results help them determine your aptitude in programming, making it a good way for you to prove that you are a worthy candidate. Some online testing platforms host contests where you could win cool prizes while attracting the attention of reputable employers. Contests are a great way to prove your programming ability and skills as you compete with other programmers.

If you are new to programming or you are still not confident about attracting recruiters with your skills, you can still do online programming tests to keep practicing and building your programming skills. That way, you can make yourself a more attractive candidate by the time you decide to apply for a job or when you are confident enough to challenge other programmers.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Online Programming Challenges – The Real-Time Challenge

Are you looking forward to becoming a programmer? Or you want to develop technical programming and coding skills? If yes, then you should start with online programming challenges. It is one of the best ways to enhance your programming skills. Presently, most of the companies, both IT and non-IT, hire candidates with technical skills. Proficiency in programming and coding has become a necessity as they are used in most fields these days.

Many coders and programmers use Online Programming Challenges for improving their coding knowledge. It is suitable for beginners also, as it comes with different modules to help every individual learn to program. These programming challenges are based on real-time challenges, which a candidate needs to work on. It does not just help in learning, but it also adds experience. In simple words, we can say that these online programming challenges are like programming games or programming tests. To learn how to handle these programming tests properly, one needs to start taking these coding challenges. There are a few things to consider before taking these online programming challenges:

  • When choosing online programming challenges, do select the programs according to your learning pattern. Do not go out of the way to learn any particular program. Else, it be difficult for you to understand the codes and programs.
  • Practice as much as you can as it will help you understand coding in a better way. Try to look out for more online coding and programming challenges. It will help in developing your problem-solving ability, and you will be able to provide the best codes for any programming challenges.
  • Before you start writing any programming code, ensure that you read all the instructions carefully. Invest your time in understanding the programming challenges. It will help in saving your time in writing codes, and you will not end up writing the wrong code. Do know what the programming challenge is demanding, and solve it accordingly.

Everyone who wants to excel in the field of programming or coding should consider taking these challenges. Apart from the technical skills, one also develops learning abilities with the help of these challenges.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Employee Assessment Tools – The Rise of Talent Evaluation Technology

It is common practice for employers to assess employees and their ability to fulfill their tasks seamlessly and effectively. Some of the oldest employee assessment tools are IQ tests, but there are more methods being practiced today as talent evaluation technology continues to thrive and improve. Machine learning, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, big data analytics, crowdsourcing, gamification, and social media are contributing factors to the evolution of employee assessment methods used by employers today.

Discerning employers are investing in employee assessment tools to find the best candidates to hire, but they are also looking into these solutions to determine the efficiency of existing employees. These tools still include tests, which allow employers to explore the aptitude of candidates and employees alike. This way, they are able to measure the potential of a candidate and see if they are fit for a specific job or position. Employee assessment can help them make informed hiring decisions in the long run, especially when it involves the latest in talent evaluation technology.

Some employee assessment tools are designed for specific industries and job requirements, such as programming. Software, application, game, and web development companies rely on these to measure the programming abilities of employees and candidates alike. Through employee assessment, they can understand the ability of an employee to learn fast and solve problems. More importantly, it can reveal how efficient someone is in applying different programming techniques to create efficient and correct programs.

For programmers, the best employee assessment tools are language independent, while being entertaining and fun to use. The tests can be completed in about 30 minutes, so recruiters or employers can easily obtain a quantitative assessment for every candidate. If you are an employer or a recruiter seeking a smarter way to resolve technical recruiting challenges, you may want to look into employee assessment solutions that can simplify your job.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Candidate Assessment Tools - A Brief Guide

The importance of candidate assessment tools in the talent acquisition or recruitment process is invaluable. They provide HR managers with insights that help them evaluate an individual's skills, knowledge, and suitability for a certain function. Ultimately, these tools are meant to find the perfect candidate fit for the job vacancy, thus streamlining the entire process.

Today, there's a ton of HR technology for candidate assessments designed to find, engage, and hire the right talents. So, which ones should you include in your organization's recruitment process? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Look for business assessment tools.

Assessment tools are used in various industries, especially in schools. If you need one for recruitment, you should look for tools that are specifically designed for businesses. Solutions made for business assessments are more likely to include special features that you’ll be needing to assess candidates.

2. Make sure the assessment tools measure the skills and knowledge you need.

When it comes to candidate assessment tools, the one size fits all approach is not applicable. Since different jobs and roles require different skills and knowledge, there should be different candidate assessment tools, too.  For example, if you are hiring an IT programmer, the tools must be able to assess the programming knowledge and abilities of every candidate, testing them in all essential programming topics and skills. Sometimes, recruiters fully customize their tools to properly assess individuals for highly technical jobs like IT.

3. Opt for online/computer candidate assessment tools.

Software or online programs for candidate assessments are especially necessary for handling a high volume of applicants. Aside from the fact that they are easier to administer, they churn out test results faster. You don't have to manually perform the checking since the computer or online program will be the one to do it on your behalf. That means you will be able to assess all your candidates' skills and technical knowledge and filter your options.